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I am full-time artist from Ukraine. My artistic approach is one that is connected to a deep exploration of organic materials and making eco-friendly art accessible for people.


Starting with acrylics I realized that every of my painting works is harmful for our home planet- acrylics dissolved in water from my studio come through any filters and eventually finish their way in sea and land we live on.  I try to be responsible consumer in every life choice, promoting organic culture, zero waste consumption and teaching my three kids Eco-attitude.  The fact of how harmful artistic supplies and materials are made me explore new and old non-toxic materials and techniques.


In my latest works I experiment with 100% natural paints, canvases and supplies. I use Casein paints, that have been used for thousands of years, wood, metals. I like to make small art works, that can be put together creating new form and new vision. To me this means that you can always start from small in responsible consumption.

My best inspiration always is harmony in nature, people and life. 

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